Suck It Up and Do It

Suck It Up and Do It

You Already Know What to do, suck it up and do it
Follow Kelsey Humphreys on Facebook for great motivation…..

My first reaction to this quote is “heck yeah, suck it up buttercup”.  The reality is that most of us know what to do, we just don’t know how to get from where we are now and to where we need, or want, to be.

Too often, we are paralyzed by the possibility of failure that we do nothing.  Instead we should be focusing on just moving in the right direction with our end goals in mind.  As long as we keep taking steps in the right direction eventually we will reach our destination.

Navigating from here to there can be challenging no matter what the end destination may be.  There are many tools available to help with your journey and using them wisely can get you to your destination with less detours.  Seek out the tools that fit your needs and embrace them.  Finding others along the way to support you is a necessity to reach any goals and makes the journey more enjoyable.  You will come across roadblocks and these supporters will prove invaluable to keep you going and to find alternate routes.   Some will take the straight and narrow path making their journey quickly to their destinations while others will take every scenic route they find BUT everyone has the ability to reach their goals if they keep the destination in focus.

Start taking those steps in the right direction NOW!  Find those tools and supporters that will get you where you want to be…..  For help finding tools and supporters connect with me [Facebook] [Instagram] [Email].

Now go Suck it up and Do IT.