Habits Of Successful People Series – Part 5: Get Out Of Your Own Way


Get Out of Your Own Way: Unhealthy Habits that are Holding You Back


Throughout life we will make the choices that will form good or bad habits in our daily routine. Those bad habits are the ones that will potentially put us on a path to an unhealthy, stressful life. Once we recognize what these bad habits are it’s easier to form a plan of action to eliminate them altogether. It will take some effort and discipline in order to maintain a new way of life but it is doable. We tend to stand in our own way most of the time and that is what holds us back from change. What are these habits that hold us back from a successful, happy life?

Perfectionism – Feeling the need to be perfect all of the time will not only do harm to any progress you could make but it also does something to your self-confidence. You will constantly feel like you come up short if you are always striving to be perfect. Let’s face it, no one is perfect and you don’t need to be. Success doesn’t depend on perfection. It depends on your ability to take action and follow through with the goals you set. You can’t be truly happy if you are always reaching for something that will never happen. Understanding this about yourself is the first step in overcoming it. Make a plan, take action, and put it out there. If it’s not perfect at first don’t stress about it. There is always time to make changes and improvements.

Comparing Yourself to Others – This is one of the biggest mistakes we can make as humans. We are all different in a way that is unique to each and every one of us. We damage our own self worth by comparing our life with someone else because we always come up short feeling like we are not good enough. Every person, every situation, and every life is unique. There are circumstances in one person’s life that brought them to where they are today. You can’t compare your journey to theirs simply because of that. It’s important to value yourself and what you have to offer because it is enough.

Worrying – Some people spend so much time worrying about the outcome of a situation that no action is taken. This means nothing gets accomplished and any goals they’ve set will fall by the wayside. Worrying is a useless emotion. It does nothing but torment us into conjuring up scenarios that will never come to be. No one knows what the future holds so what is the point of worrying about it? Worrying that a business venture will fail or a product launch will fall flat are just one of those things that can happen on the road to success. Whatever will be will be. There is no sense is ruining your day and stressing over issues that may or may not happen.

We have a way of backing ourselves into a corner with some of these unhealthy habits. They not only keep us from achieving the success we deserve but also messes with our confidence and self-esteem. We can overcome these habits through discipline and consistency. Focus on the habits you have and take the steps to get past them. Read books, do research, and be persistent when it comes reaching your goals and creating a healthy, stress free life.


Don’t forget to tune back in as our series continues…….