Habits Of Successful People Series – Part 7: Create Healthy Habits

Create Healthy Habits and Kick Those Bad Habits to the Curb

PartnerCreating a lifestyle that is centered around healthy habits takes work, focus, and some discipline. It’s much easier to latch on to bad habits simply because they don’t take much effort to form but a lot of effort to kick. If we understand ahead of time that we want to avoid these bad habits life would be much easier and healthier. However what happens when we have already formed a few bad habits that we desperately need to kick to the curb? Here are some tips on kicking the bad out and inviting a new set of healthy habits in.

Create a plan of action – Unless you truly know what habits you want to improve on it won’t do you much good. Start by creating a plan of action, set some goals, and take baby steps to move away from the bad and into the good. For example, if you want to quit smoking, decide on a time frame. When do you want to be completely smoke free? Decide and then take action. Make small changes to your daily routine. Change over to an electronic cigarette or don’t smoke as many cigarettes a day as you are used to. Small changes can add up to big improvements over time with a little consistency and determination.

Find a partner – Anytime you make changes in your life it’s important to have someone to lean on. It could be a family member, best friend, or coworker just choose someone who knows you and will support you and your changing habits. Accountability partners are important in this process because they won’t let you stray from your ultimate goal. They keep you on track and focused on the goals you have for yourself. This person can’t be scared to give you their opinion and hurt your feelings a little bit just for your own good to keep you on the path to success.

Cut yourself some slack – Understand that there will be moments you will fall back into some bad habits. Just don’t let this deter you from your overall goal. Keep moving forward even if you slip a little bit and find ways to make your journey worthwhile. Reward yourself if you stay on track for a couple weeks at a time. Give yourself something to look forward to as you make these lifestyle changes. Don’t be so hard on yourself when you do mess up. It’s important to keep your eye on the goal and not let a few mess-ups ruin your day.

Kicking bad habits out of your life is not impossible. It just takes some focus and will to succeed. The pros of creating a healthier lifestyle far outweigh the pain and discomfort you will feel as you move from bad habits to good. Start off by following a few of these tips and give yourself a pat on the back for beginning this journey. The first step to a better life is understanding the changes you must make and taking action to make it a reality.